
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Book Review: Artemis Fowl and the Eternity Code


Summary: Artemis Fowl has constructed a supercomputer from stolen fairy technology. In the wrong hands it could be fatal for humans and fairies alike. But Artemis has a plan. He's not going to use the computer - he's just going to show it to an American businessman with Mafia connections. What could possibly go wrong?

Thoughts: Well you already know how I feel about Artemis Fowl. He's thirteen still, and still an egoistical, small, mastermind. And therefore still adorable.  
 Faster paced then the last book, The Eternity Code is full to bursting with fantastic character growth and an almost tear jerking ending. Almost. Knowing there are still five books left in the series had me enjoying the rampant display of emotions rather than joining in on them. 
 Everything will go according to plan of course because it's Artemis's plan. "Trust me, I'm a genius" he says. What could go wrong? Quite a lot actually.And there you have the entire plot.
 The writing keeps this story light and entertaining no matter how dark the plot gets and witty banter and snark kept me laughing from front to back. 

Content: I think I've pointed this out before but the Artemis Fowl series originates in Ireland  and therefore allows several words to slip through that might be seen as offensive here such as D***, Sh** and C***. There is also the same type of crude humor found here as in the previous to books.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

 Summary: Harry Potter is due to start his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. His best friends Ron and Hermione have been very secretive all summer and he is desperate to get back to school and find out what has been going on. However, what Harry discovers is far more devastating than he could ever have expected...

Thoughts: This book! It never stopped or slowed down long enough for me to think straight! After the last book everything just seems to explode into happens and even the waiting period is agonizingly eventful!
 Okay, well characters develop thoroughly (and sometimes completely) and a bunch of new characters are introduced. I love the newcomers! Tonks and Luna were both especially lovable and fun. And there are of course, aside from the steady characters, mentions or brief appearances of familiar faces (whether wanted or not). 
 As I've already said, the plot is a catastrophic mess of happenings but it's wonderfully written. After all, only a good plot can actually make you care!
 I'm not even going to go to writing. This being the fifth book in the series, rest assured that the quality never drops. 
I'm still in denial of the ending and am taking a minor break from this series until I can procure a pumpkin coffee but overall, a fabulous next installment. Though let's be honest. If you've made it this far, there's little I can say that will stop you now. There's a reason these became instant classics!

Content: This book just sorta walks off a cliff. It's dark. Really dark and very violent. There's also a brief kissing scene. And, of course, loads of magic. Otherwise a clean read.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Book Review: Artemis fowl and the Artic Incident

Summary: Artemis rushes from Ireland school to Russia where the Mafiya kidnapped his father. Captain Holly Short of LEPRecon against fairies interrupts him. This time he may have to join the fairies instead of battling them.

Thoughts: I love this series! Not really sure what about a rotten thirteen year old genius appeals to me but...I can't help it. Right or wrong I find myself always rooting for Artemis. Luckily his enterprise in this sequel is mostly honest. Artemis has finally found news of his missing father and rushes to his rescue...or he would have if Holly Short hadn't interrupted him. Through a strange turn of events the fairies and their mortal enemy (Artemis) work together to solve the turbulence both under and above ground. So...literally the whole book is about Artemis desperately wanting to find his dad. It was adorable as even Holly was forced to begrudgingly admit. The characters begin to develop from their first meeting wonderfully. The cast expands a little but not enough to become confusing and the story expands from just Ireland this time. Without giving away too much, I'll just say that they get around and leave it at that! 
 But seriously, the plot, though lagging sometimes, moves quickly and unfolds well and had me enjoying every bit of it. And the ending was wonderfully done. 
 The writing is still easy and makes for a light read but this nevers deducts from the enjoyment of this series!.

Content: There's a bit of crude humor and violence but otherwise a clean read!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

 Summary: Harry Potter is midway through both his training as a wizard and his coming of age. Harry wants to get away from the pernicious Dursleys and go to the International Quidditch Cup with Hermione, Ron, and the Weasleys. He wants to dream about Cho Chang, his crush (and maybe do more than dream). He wants to find out about the mysterious event that supposed to take place at Hogwarts this year, an event involving two other rival schools of magic, and a competition that hasn't happened for hundreds of years. He wants to be a normal, fourteen-year-old wizard. But unfortunately for Harry Potter, he's not normal - even by wizarding standards.
And in his case, different can be deadly.

Thoughts: first off, the post below does not refer to this book. Clear? okay.
Second off, hold on tight everyone we're in for a bumpy ride! Things start to get real in this book! Everything starts off a little different but with the same pacing and lovable turns of adventure we're used to seeing from our favorite wizarding trio.
And then you reach the last six pages and...well, I have no words! The entire book was amazing and awful and has me clamoring for the next one (which, sadly, I don't have right now)!
The writing is still top notch and wonderful feeling, magically weaving old and new together in a seamless tale that is brand new and still familiar feeling.
 The plot seems to meander a but but, trust me, it's all important!
Character development seems to leap forward drastically in this one as we get quite a lot revealed and the children are forced to deal with numerous strange experiences. 
Overall, fantastic and...shocking. 

Content: A little language (D***) but nothing major. This book does get much darker than the previous three combined and rather frightening in the last six chapters. Even so, this is a great read!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Writing Peeves: Killing Characters

I was reading a story yesterday, a sci-fi I really enjoyed, and started to run across one of my personal pet-peeves in characterization and thought I could share with you all. I'm going to try to make this post more of a tip to writers rather than a rant but...we'll see where it goes.
Ok, the thing: killing characters. Not actually killing characters. Some of the best stories end up killing some off at one point.

 No, what I mean is the characters themselves, who they are, how real you (as the author) let them be.
Let me explain. In the book I'm reading, the villain is introduced as "Gluttonous, slimy, and disgusting" and often breaks into an "evil grin". When writing in third person, this is not what the reader needs to hear from the author. After all, we don't know why this person is automatically "disgusting". Because they're the villain? There are plenty of suave villains out there. Because he's fat? That doesn't automatically make him gross. What if he's got an eating disorder? It could be stress induced. Do a little research. So why is he "disgusting"?
This is the author projecting an image, a pre-made judgement, to the reader. We're not allowed to evaluate the character ourselves and decide, we're told to think of him as disgusting. This makes him shallow. Rather than reading into his movements, understanding his thoughts, and developing our own profile for him, we're simply told what he is and that takes away the chance for this villain to become anything memorable or creative. he's just a plot point now. A "disgusting" one.
 This could be better handled in two ways (both or either).
           1. Using a character to describe a character: If our main character (MC) is thinking to themselves "That man is gluttonous, slimy and disgusting" it takes away the pressure for us to view him as such. Most will because we're on the side of the MC, but we don't have to see him as such. This is not fact but the biased view of the MC. This leaves plenty of room for the villain to develop. After all, the MC could turn out to be wrong.
 The author, on the other hand, is never wrong in the sense that when they pass judgement like that, it can't be taken back or reversed which leads me to the second option.
           2. Unbiased description: "The man was large, taking up most of the bench by himself, and busily stuffing food into his mouth." Here we see an unbiased opinion from the author. There are no judgments or conceptions. This could be an enormous tyrant enjoying the plunder from his people or a kindly Santa Clause character who's about to share in his never-ending feast.
 Here is the chance to let the reader decide how they feel about the character as time goes on. The reason this works is because this is how we meet people in the real world. We aren't introduced to them as "that disgusting guy". We see them first. Skin color, hair color. We watch them. Body language. We listen to them. Choice of words and changing tones. And then we decide how we feel about them. First impressions are, as the saying goes, rarely right. But these impressions are made from our deductions of a person. Not from what we were told to think about them (unless of course your friend/parent introduces them to you with preconceived ideas but, even then, we come up with our own view of the person once we meet them).
 All that to say, as an author writing in third person, keep your descriptions nonjudgmental. Use characters to describe the more gruesome or amazing parts of your character. Yeah, this can work for good guys too. Instead of writing "she was cool and pretty" after introducing the character, try using another character's thoughts to project this image. Or stick to the basics. "She was tall with dark hair and normally sat three seats away from MC."Give it a try!
 Think this was helpful? Have any other points to add? See a flaw in my explanation? Feel free to comment or even link to your own post!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these images! ;)

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Cover Reveal: Lady Dragon Tela Du

 It's here! Well, almost. The long awaited sequel to Water Princess, Fire Prince (here's my review of that if you haven't heard of it yet)! Water Princess, Fire Pince will be free today (and only today) so if you don't already have one, grab a copy now!
Another book from the same author, Cinder Eddy, is also free today (and only today) so grab that too. Cause, good, free books...why not?

But first, before the cover and just for a tease, a bit about the book!

Synopsis: Two girls with one face
                Two girls with twisted fate
                One in purple, one in red
                One shall speak the other’s death
               Who shall win their final war?
               Lady Dragon or Tela Du?

Amber, the Lady Dragon, has been promised a fifty-year reign over Rizkaland and nothing can stop her from claiming it. But when you've lived six thousand years, fifty is such a pitiful number. Only one person can keep her from making this reign permanent - the Tela Du, a girl who shall share Amber's face.
 The last thing Petra wants is a magical world interrupting her plans for a normal life, let alone an ultimate battle against the Lady Dragon with only one prophesied survivor. She has her childhood best friend, Reuben, at her side, but she's not sure if he's more of a help or a hindrance right now. Though she'd much prefer to just return home and forget about this whole crazy affair, things change when she discovers that the world has surprising connections to her own family - including her sister who disappeared without a trace two years before. Still, Rizkaland can't possibly expect her to risk her very life, can it?

Excitng right?

And now, a bit about the fabulous author including social media links and a pre-order button:

 Author Bio:
Kendra E. Ardnek is a homeschool graduate who picked up a pen at an early age and never put it down. The eldest of four, she makes her home in the Piney Woods of East Texas with her parents, younger siblings, giant herd of giraffes, and honor guard of nutcrackers. 


Official Website:

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Preorder Book:
Okay, okay, i know you're all dying to see it so, without further ado, I present to you...THE COVER! 
Cover Design Credit: Benjamin Ingalls -
Isn't it amazing? Isn't it wonderful? Aren't you just itching to read it? I am.  
Here's a little snippit Kendra was awesome enough to grant to all you greedy people (like me).
“Two years,” said Petra, setting a platter of pancakes on the table. “Hard to believe that it’s been two years since Ashley barged into our life unannounced.”

“Petra,” said Mum, “can we not start this today? I get that your father and I should have told you about the adoption in advance, but we wanted it to be a surprise.”

“Mum, I’m celebrating,” said Petra, refraining from rolling her eyes. She waved a hand over the table instead. “Notice: pancakes. I woke up early to make them.”

“Thank you, Petra,” said Dad. “I’m not sure what we would do if we didn’t have you in the kitchen.”

“Is that a jab at my cooking skills?” Mum protested.

“I rather think it is,” said Tyler. “You nearly burnt down the kitchen the last time you were cooking. And you were making popsicles.”

“I panicked.”

“You were making popsicles.”
I literally cracked up at this and had to silence myself because someone was sleeping in the same room.
And here's a few questions answered from the author, Kendra, the main character, Petra, and the other main, Amber:
Kendra: I've noticed you have a lot of unique names in your stories and it made me curious, how do you choose characters names? 
I either deliberate over it for five years with one of my three baby name books or slap some syllables together and call it good. There is no in-between.

Petra: Out of the skills you learned in LDTD, which one was your favorite and are you able to still use any in your normal life now? 
I have no idea how learning to hit people with a stick will help me in real life. 

Amber: Here's a random one for you: what's your favorite color?
Red. I would have thought the fact that I wear it almost solely would make it obvious.
And here's a little teaser for Amber:

Even at her darkest, Amber always wanted Granite at her side. Even though she refused to listen to him, and was furious with him more often than not, to have him leave her would have destroyed her.

Yup, I'm excited, really excited. And hopefully, next time you hear about this book from me, we'll be able to pre-order it! 
Here's a list of the other blogs participating in the reveal and they've all got their own extras so go check them out!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

 Summary: Harry Potter is lucky to reach the age of thirteen, since he has already survived the murderous attacks of the feared Dark Lord on more than one occasion. But his hopes for a quiet term concentrating on Quidditch are dashed when a maniacal mass-murderer escapes from Azkaban, pursued by the soul-sucking Dementors who guard the prison. It's assumed that Hogwarts is the safest place for Harry to be. But is it a coincidence that he can feel eyes watching him in the dark, and should he be taking Professor Trelawney's ghoulish predictions seriously?

Thoughts: So far...this has got to be my favorite out of the series! They just keep getting better and better but it is going to take a lot to top this one! 
The plot thickens! Revelations of the past mingle with the mysteries of the present and create a tale like no other!
 The characters! I love them, I can't get enough of them! I put down this book and picked up the next one! I can't help it! their real, good, and Harry is so adorable! 
The writing will always get me. It's just so classical. A mix between The Chronicles of Narnia and A Series of Unfortunate Events. \
 And, of course, world building. Always progressing and expanding, we learn many knew and interesting facts about the wizarding world and wizards themselves in here. 
Overall, another great installment in the series and actually a little lighter than it's predecessor, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Content: I found at least one use of D*** in here but these are written in England where that word isn't seen the same way as in America. There's also one rather brutal scene where one of the characters MILD SPOILER (because I'm not giving away details) is dragged off by a large dog and gets their leg broken in the process. END SPOILER. And, of course, tons of magic. Over all though, a clean read and highly recommended!